divendres, 17 de desembre del 2010

Why The New York Times eliminated its social media editor position | Poynter.

Why The New York Times eliminated its social media editor position | Poynter.: "Why The New York Times eliminated its social media editor position

by Mallary Jean Tenore
Published Dec. 9, 2010 12:10 pm
Updated Dec. 9, 2010 12:58 pm
Earlier this week, New York Times Social Media Editor Jennifer Preston tweeted that she would be returning to reporting full-time. The news made me wonder: What would this mean for social media at the Times?

Preston told me by phone that the Times plans to eliminate her position in early 2011 and shift social media responsibilities to Aron Pilhofer‘s interactive news team. When her current job ends, Preston will begin covering social media as a Times reporter." (sigue en el blog del autor)