dimarts, 1 de febrer del 2011

news publishers and e-books

news publishers and e-books: "Ron Mwangaguhunga's Blog
Which news media publishers should go the e-book route?"

When should the first draft of history become an e-book? Publishers are looking at e-books as a quite profitable possibility for long-form journalism.

Some data: e-book sales are trending up. Last July, Amazon announced that e-books were outselling hardbacks, selling 143 e-books for every 100 hardcover book in 2010's second quarter. And last week, Amazon announced that Kindle e-books are outselling paperbacks. In the same week the New York Times and ProPublica unveiled new e-books. According to Bloomberg, Amazon will probably sell more than 8 million Kindles in 2011.

Finally, veering away from business, politics and technology news media publishers -- James Patterson, Nora Robertson and Steig Larsson have each sold more than 1 million Kindle e-books. Could a hip digital publisher like, say, The Awl, with its vaguely literary angle break the next big adult fiction digital e-book author? It is not inconceivable. While non-fiction, news-related stories work best in e-book form I cannot for the life of me shake the belief that the next big e-book adult fiction star might just be discovered through a savvy digital publisher.

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¿Pregunto al pediatra o a Internet?

De mamás & de papás >> Blogs EL PAÍS:
"¿Pregunto al pediatra o a Internet?"
Por: Cecilia Jan

Natalia (21 meses) lleva una temporada estreñida. Se lo comentamos a su pediatra, José María, en la revisión, y nos prescribe unos polvillos (Eupeptina) y supositorios de glicerina. Pese a fiarnos de él, santo varón,no puedo resistirme en casa a consultar al gran oráculo, Google."Estreñimiento infantil". Así de entrada, 145.000 resultados. De páginas como www.bebeymas.com, www.estreñimientoinfantil.com owww.zonapediatrica.com, por citar sólo las tres primeras. ¿Cuál miro? ¿De cuál me fío? ..... (sigue en los blogs de EL Pais)