dimecres, 15 de desembre del 2010

SAGE publica "revista" multidisciplinar en OA, autor paga

A partir del 1 de enero de 2011 Sage open acepta artículos científicos sobre cualquier tema, que serán evaluados en "peer review". Una vez publicados podrán ser reevaluados interactivamente online por los lectores.
Los artículos, que pueden ser extensos (hasta 10.000 palabras), se irán publicando sueltos, uno a uno, sin constituir "números" de revista.
El coste de publicación es bastante bajo, comparado con el de otras editoriales OA: US$695 por artículo, e incluso para los primeros números se aplicará una cuota introductoria de sólo US$ 195
Más información:

Beginning January 1, 2011, SAGE Open will receive manuscript submissions online through SAGEtrack, powered by ScholarOne Manuscripts™. Authors should register for an account at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/sageopen, where they will create a login ID and password. SAGEtrack will serve as the center for editorial staff to communicate with authors, editors, and reviewers electronically, and it will function as the platform for the review process.

About SAGE Open

SAGE Open seeks to be the world's premier open access outlet for academic research. As such, it evaluates the scientific and research methods of each article for validity and accepts articles solely on the basis of the research.  This approach allows readers greater access and gives them the power to determine the significance of each article through SAGE Open's interactive comments feature and article-level usage metrics. Likewise, by not restricting papers to a narrow discipline, SAGE Open facilitates the discovery of the connections between papers, whether within or between disciplines.
Each article undergoes rigorous peer review; the approach of SAGE Open's peer review process, however, differs from that of traditional journals. Rather than assessing the relative 'importance' of a given article to its respective field, peer review will instead focus solely on determining the quality of research methodology, that is, determining whether the research was conducted properly, the discussion accurately summarizes the research, and the conclusion follows logically from the research. Readers and the academic community at large will then have the power to continue the peer review process after online publication, helping to determine the significance of each article through SAGE Open's interactive comments feature and article-level usage metrics.

Manuscript Preparation

Articles should not exceed 10,000 words (excluding references) and may present original research or literature reviews. The word count (which includes all text including the abstract, manuscript, notes, tables, figures, etc.) should appear on the title page.

Manuscripts should include an abstract of approximately 150 words, and, beneath the abstract, 4-5 keywords. All manuscripts should follow the style guidelines set forth in the fifth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Journal policy prohibits an author from submitting the same manuscript for consideration by another journal and does not allow publication of a manuscript that has been published in whole or in part by another journal.

Any inquiries regarding manuscript submission may be directed to the editorial office at
Publication Fee

accomplishes global open access by using a business model in which its expenses are recovered by an author publication fee charged after acceptance. The fee currently stands at the special introductory rate of $195 (regular fee: $695) for each published article. Authors who do not have the means to cover the publication fee may request a waiver.