dimecres, 19 de gener del 2011

Sanofi-Aventis gets social with Facebook and diabetes

There are some pharma companies that “get it” and a lot that don’t but once again the marketing people at Sanofi-Aventis have hit a home run with two new initiatives aimed at diabetics.
The first is their new Facebook page for diabetics.  What I really like about this Facebook page is that it has a wealth of tools for diabetics including a link to a Diabetes Costar featuring Paul Sorvino.  In addition at the bottom of the page Sanofi-Aventis is embracing transparency with an introduction to the Sanofi employees who are the administrators of the page.  This is a must have since the research that I led over and over continually showed that people who engage pharma want to know “who they will be talking with”.
Diabetes Costars is a great site rich in content and tools for diabetics.  There are videos from Paul and Mira Sorvino as well as links to support and lifestyle information.  Users can also chose to follow this site on Facebook or Twitter for updates.
Why is this such a great effort ?
I have found during my research and work with Medtronic Diabetes that diabetics are a very close community especially online.   The tools and content that they asked for are on these Sanofi-Aventis sites and I believe they are going to be a huge success for SA once the word gets out just how much great information they have provided.
Obviously someone at Sanofi-Aventis has done an amazing job convincing their legal, regulatory and management people that patients are actually using the Internet for health and that we need to take ‘some managed risk” to make a difference.   Congrats to the people at Sanofi-Aventis for showing us what great marketing initiatives can be developed when you put patients first.